31 August 2024 @ 10am, Greystoke Pool
Come and try these bite-sized fun events with 2 or 3 elements of Swim, Bike and Run.
Open to everyone and will allow you to build your confidence in a fun and welcoming environment.
Events available:
Adults (age 15+) Swim 200m, Bike 10km, Run 3km
Adults (age 15+) Swim 200m, Run 3km
Adults (age 15+) Swim 200m, Bike 10km
Kids (age 6+) Swim 50m, Bike 5km, Run 1km
To book your FREE place, go to the British Triathlon page :
FREE! Paris Inspired: Swim Bike Run Mini Penrith – British Triathlon
The swimming pool café will be open from 9.30am serving hot & cold drinks, bacon butties & snacks, so pop in and say Hi to our volunteers